Prioritizing Safety on Public Transit, National Transit Safety Recommendations

Canadian Urban Transit Association


The Canadian Urban Transit Association (CUTA) formed a Transit Safety Task Force in the summer of 2022 to address root causes of violence on transit and advocate for multi-disciplinary solutions.  David was the consultant lead for the development of the Prioritizing Safety on Public Transit, CUTA’s Transit Safety Recommendations. Through this process David provided facilitation and research support to the seven large transit agencies participating in the task force.  Participating transit system members included TransLink, Calgary Transit, Edmonton Transit Service, Winnipeg Transit, York Region Transit, Toronto Transit Commission and the Société de transport de Montréal. The task force finalized a set of recommendations for improving safety measures on transit systems, as well as engaging with all levels of government and partnering organizations to address broader societal issues that play out on public transit. The recommendations focus on customer safety, staff safety, housing and supports, substance use and mental health.  The recommendations were released at the Parliamentary Press Gallery in April 2023. Advocacy work is ongoing.